Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Little Gratitude

I was going to not do a Thanksgiving post and just write a completely unrelated post but I had an idea last night and thought I'd follow through on it.

The following is a list of things that you should be thankful for that you might not usually think of.

Light switches Being a basement dweller myself, I deal with a lot of lights that turn on with long strings or ancient looking chains. They're a little hard to find in the dark, at least light switches stay in the same place. Before I lived in a basement I had a room with a light switch. The light switch was outside my room. Machia liked to use it to let me know dinner was ready. Everyone else liked to use it to conserve energy, not realizing I was in there. I learned to throw things at the wall to get them to turn it back on.

Defrost It's really handy in the early mornings. Rachel's car doesn't have it. I try very hard to always take my car, it's safer that way for everyone involved.

Oreos When I have Oreos life is fantastic.

Computers I do hope those of you who have their own computers appreciate it. I'm very grateful for school computers and a Daddy who is willing to share his laptop.

Internet I mean really, you wouldn't be reading this wonderful blog post without it! And for about half of you reading this, I wouldn't even know you without it.

Sweatshirts A companion for defrost, very nice in early mornings. I used to dislike sweatshirts. Now they're my best friends. (However, I require either a hood or a zipper or both.)

Web Designers Having taken (okay, and kind of loved) web design class, you should all be glad you don't have to write your own code at all times in order do do something fancy like <b>bolding</b> a word. (And yes, I meant for that not to work.)

I suppose I could go on and talk about serious things to be thankful now, but I think you're all bright enough to think of your own and why preach? Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Let it never be said that college is not a learning experience. Whether I'm learning anything that my teachers actually meant to teach me is a different matter. Here are some of the things I have concluded from my various experiences lately.
  • The great indoors is nice and warm.
While I love being outside and would spend every day outside if it's 60 degrees or more, freezing rain sends me inside. 60 degrees and raining is still fine, but I'm really loving the school buildings, especially the ones with computer labs and couches.
  • Writing will cure most bad moods
An appropriate point for the first day of National Novel Writing Month. Recently all of the stories I've been working on have decided to become easier to write. On top of this I started journaling about specific Bible passages again (I'm currently in 1 Corinthians, expect to see more verses from the Corinthians for a few months). Writing in general, once I force myself to do it, will at least keep me occupied and not grumbling about weather and school. The exceptions to this rule are essays...
  •  Bullet points are fun.
Okay, I'm kidding. Partially. I know I had more to write in this blog but I took so long to get around to it that I have forgotten what I was going to write. (But I did have some fun with bullet points in Web Design.)
  • I need to lighten up.
I spent a few weeks reading some short stories by Kafka, Kafka does not believe in happy endings. I was fairly impressed by the complete lack of happy endings. I've been listening to the Les Misérables soundtrack, I have yet to find a happy song. I'm always in a mood for Brave Saint Saturn music, they're not big on happy songs either. While I enjoy all of these things (and adore Brave Saint Saturn extremely) I came to the conclusion that I personally really need to lighten up in general. I can enjoy depressing books and movies and TV shows but I've experienced actual depression myself and don't see much point in stimulating a fake sad mood. I'd rather spend time being abnormally happy.

All right, I'll resist the urge to keep rambling and have a shorter blog post than... some past ones. I'll leave you with a cool verse I also rediscovered recently.

"For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength."