You may wonder about the title of this blog. Well, most people probably know that humility isn't exactly a quality I possess in abundance but I'd like to show some now. A very few people probably realize that when something terrible happens to someone I know I'd rather not have to talk, I'd rather be able to do something. Unfortunately, while blogging is doing something it also involves talking. I'd rather not try.
I'd like to show that I care about this situation by not voicing my opinion because I'm not wise or insightful enough to say anything new and inspiring. I'd rather not add to the enormous muddle of articles and posts and blogs that are out there. I'm not saying anything against the posts I've seen, the only ones that are really messing things up are news sites and those apparently are beyond help. But I just don't want to add to the confusion of opinions with my own half-baked and uninformed opinion.
I'm not connected to this tragedy by any stretch of the imagination. I don't know any more than anyone else who reads news articles. I'm not any more insightful (actually probably less insightful) than anyone else who has a blog.
Now I realize that in posting this blog I have in fact added to the muddle. If I really wanted to carry out this desire of not talking I would have just continued to say nothing. But as I said, this is a prelude to my next post. My next post is planning on being extremely upbeat and jolly and I didn't want it to seem like I was disrespectful or didn't care about this shooting. I care and I'd like to show that I care by toning down on the attention it's getting, I'm thinking these people would probably like some space from the public eye rather than more posts about them.
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